

Organ Transplants?


My hybrid had some organ transplants, you might say.

Yesterday I got it back from the shop; and it now has new derailleurs, front and rear; and new cables. It has new brake pads, too.

I rode my rejuvenated hybrid to the supermarket this morning. For a day when I intended to go rather easy, I actually rode fairly hard! The store opened a little late; and I needed to hurry on the way home. And  there was one block where road construction obliged me to dismount, and walk my bicycle along the sidewalk. That was a big nuisance!

It was already 6:50 when I got home; and I had to hustle through putting away the groceries. In between that getting ready to go to work, I had to have something more to eat (I had a snack before I went to the store; but it wasn’t enough to hold me until lunchtime).

On my previous visit the store was out of kitchen matches, but today the they had them; so now I\’ve got enough matches for a long time. I got produce and hummus, too; and mini Diet Cokes.

Now I\’m thinking about the trek to the salvage store tomorrow. It won\’t be an easy trip; but it\’s a good thing that I\’m not trying to get there right now. We\’re under a wind advisory until 4:00 am tomorrow; and the overnight low temperature won\’t be much above freezing.

Fortunately my trailer doesn\’t need any organ transplants. I got it ready for the trip right after I got home from work; so now I don\’t have to do it tomorrow morning. I know I\’ll have all I can do just to get moving because it will be so cold!