

One BIKE Open Sleigh?

One BIKE Open Sleigh?

A one bike open sleigh? I’m not sure whether I’d rather be the pedaler or the passenger!

Now that it’s Christmas season, perhaps Santa would like to take that idea a step or eight farther; and have a sleigh pulled by eight cyclists instead of eight reindeer.

Let me think about that one. How much training do eight cyclists need to be able to work together to pull a sleigh? Or, what about four tandems? Is that better than eight individual riders?

The riders can live at home until time to get to the North Pole and hitch up; and after Santa has delivered all the toys and filled up all the stockings, they can go back home. Santa loves his reindeer, I’m sure; but let’s face it: don’t those reindeer have to be stabled; fed; groomed, etc. That’s a lot of work!

Bicycles don’t need nearly as much care. The riders are able to provide for themselves; and these days not many of us must provide for eight people.

Getting back to cyclists pulling that loaded sleigh: I guess they need a wide range of gears; and some have to be super-low gears. They have to get that sleigh up on the housetop, after all!

If it snowed here, that one bike open sleigh would be great for my trips to the salvage store; or for rolling through the snow during my weekly long rides. Jingle Bells, anyone?