

On KP?


On KP is what it often feels like. I seem to spend an awful lot of time in that kitchen!

This past weekend, between Friday evening and Sunday afternoon, I completed three cooking projects! I\’m lucky I\’m not responsible for feeding a family, or I\’d never get a break from pots, pans, and dishwashing.

Last Friday evening, it was SamMac. Saturday, it was Boyardee®. Sunday I was at it yet again, with Boppin\’ B&B!

Sometimes preparing these simple dishes is quite a hassle. For the SamMac, I had to open a can of peas; drain it; and measure out what I needed for the SamMac. Then I had to put the rest of the peas in a plastic box and put them in the freezer.

When I made the Boyardee, I had to portion out the canned pasta and meatballs into four parts; three of them to be frozen. Later, I had to pop the frozen squares out of their boxes; wrap them in foil; and put them in a plastic bag.

Making the Boppin\’ B&B meant that I had to open three cans of different foods. And chop onion, celery, and bell pepper, in addition to cooking rice! Between making B&B and fixing lunch, I used all three of my pots. Of course the pots and dishes didn\’t wash themselves. Sometimes I wish they would.

Combined, those three projects have yielded enough for at least two dozen meals. I won\’t really need to cook for a couple of weeks. Being on KP all weekend isn\’t all bad, after all!