No, not re-tire as in putting new tires on a bicycle. Retire as in leave the work force.
I\’m not saying that I\’ll retire soon; but I\’m at the age to be planning for it. Just as a pro cyclist needs to have something after the racing career is over, I\’ll want something in retirement, too.
Of course there\’s blogging; that\’s already in my plans. And, what else? Reading! Maybe more time for core/upper body work. More time to cook and get more into really healthful eating.
For this, super-fresh veggies would be great. I think it would be nice to have a place that\’s all my own, with enough of a yard for a small garden. I could try out my green thumb. Supposing, that is, that my thumb is green! Some people have a \”black\” thumb; that is to say, they manage to kill even the \”easiest\” plants.
And oh to retire and have more time to ride! Maybe even to train for some ultra-long rides, such as one of Adventure Cycling\’s tours. Probably I\’d go for one of the fully-supported tours. My budget doesn\’t have room for a touring bicycle.
Not having to be at a job at 8:00 am would mean that I didn\’t have to get up so early to go riding. I might even be able, at long, long last, to catch up on sleep!
Or do I daydream?