Off the Hook 🪝
We seem to be off the hook as far as Beryl goes. If only I could read the weather well enough to tell what else might be coming!
Our heat wave continues, with afternoon heat indices of 100-plus degrees. I’m glad I can ride early in the day, because this intense heat sets in by 10 am! I hope the heat doesn’t force me to cut back too much on my cycling. I’m working to add a few miles to my daily rides; and would rather keep at it.
I’m using my cooling towel; and it certainly helps. I don’t know how I managed without it. But not many weeks ago, the heat wasn’t this bad.
Of course there’s the matter of keeping hydrated. The heat means I need to drink more; and unless I’m riding very slowly, it’s almost impossible to breathe through my nose. That only makes me thirsty faster.
But Keep Watching 👀
But let’s keep watching the tropics! Hurricane season is far from over; and we can’t let our guard down. Just because we’re off the hook this time doesn’t mean we’ll get off easy next time!
Getting back to the heat, maybe I should try a “brim“? My reservations about this item is, how much wind does it catch? My helmet has a visor, anyway; and I think after all I’ll stick with that.
My thought now is, keep riding; but keep watching the heat!
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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.
I live in New Orleans; and retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!
Website designed by Cecile Levert

© This website is the property of its author.
I am not a cycling coach; nor a health professional. This site is based on my own experiences, opinions, etc. If you need help, please consult the appropriate professional.