
Not Wet Yet

Not Wet Yet

It’s getting on towards noon; and we’re not wet yet! It might be coming, though. The sky is mostly overcast; and a little while ago, I thought I heard thunder.

In this place, I’m almost too insulated from the weather. So far it’s one of the few drawbacks that I’ve found. Another is that the bedroom has no window; and I’d prefer to get some natural light as morning approaches.

Today I didn’t get out on the bike until about 6:00 am. It was too late to see the moon looking orange-y; but I still got to see it. It looked very big.

There seemed to be no wind this morning, which is a rare treat. I made some efforts at riding at least 15 mph; and I increased the time from 30 seconds to 40. I’ve got to start doing that if I hope to ever get any faster! Or, at least, a little stronger.

Yesterday I ate so much that I still felt a bit bloated this morning; so I didn’t eat before I rode.  I took along a protein bar in case I got hungry; but I lasted until I was back home.

I’ve read about fasted training; but have always shied away from trying it. I believe it’s meant for low-intensity rides, and not hard efforts. Maybe I can experiment with it now; I no longer have to worry about getting too exhausted, and having to go to work in that state!

I just looked at an online weather radar. We’re not wet yet; but apparently rain is approaching from the West. I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere! As long as I’m home, though, I need to get some sweeping done.