This is not omicron, I hope. My head feels stuffy and a bit achy today.
I didn\’t really notice it until I began my ride; but I don\’t have other symptoms of omicron: no fever; no muscle aches; and my sense of smell is intact. I suppose it\’s probably an allergy thing.
The stuffiness came and went as I continued to ride. At my turnaround point, I ate a GU-Gel. Many flavors of \”goo\” contain a little caffeine; and I thought that it might help my head to feel better.
I think it did help a little; and as I\’m not working today, I could put in some extra miles. I\’m glad I didn\’t have to ride in the dark, because it was foggy. Wouldn\’t you know, this is the time I forgot to wear my reflective vest.
The forecast is for \”scattered rain\”; and about two hours after I finished my ride, the wind had increased. Gusts could become as strong as 25 mph; and it\’s not fun battling that on a road bike.
I decided to make a short trip to the drug store. It didn\’t look like rain yet; but I wasn\’t going to wait, in case it did rain. At the store, I saw home tests for COVID; and decided to get one just in case. My stuffy head is not omicron, I think; but what if I develop further symptoms, and need to test myself?
Half of me wonders why I blew about $10 on such a test. I get tested at work as a regular thing; and that doesn\’t cost me a cent. But things are crazy right now; and if I should suddenly need such as test, that will be when the stores are all sold out!