Nomenclature is a funny thing sometimes. For example, how did that gear cluster on a bicycle\’s rear wheel get the name \”cassette\”?
Yesterday it was so cold that I didn\’t ride; and I had some extra time for cooking. Nomenclature cropped up again when I concocted another Hoppin\’ John variation; and couldn\’t think what to call it.
I designed it to use up some canned goods; and hauled out a can of dark red kidney beans; a can of pinto beans; and a can of sweet red pimientos. I cooked some brown rice with onion and a little celery; and while the rice was cooking, I opened and drained both cans of beans. I drained and chopped the pimientos; and when the rice was finished cooking, I mixed it all together.
But what do I call such a mixture? Olio? That\’s what it is, after all; but to name it \”olio\” is dodging the issue!
By late afternoon, the outdoor temperature had climbed to 48 degrees; but the wind was still a stiff 28 mph. According to the forecast, it was going to drop to 10-15 mph overnight; and I began planning today\’s excursion.
This Is Monday?
This is Monday? It doesn\’t feel like it. When I do a long ride, it seems to be Sunday.
The moon is at the full — the Wolf Moon — and whatever the nomenclature, I wanted to see it! I figured I could do a short, early ride to see the moon; then go home and prepare for a long ride.
I started earlier than usual for a long ride, because I got up so early to see the moon. That was a very, very short ride: less than four miles, because I went back home to prepare for the big miles. I mixed the recovery drink last night; and this morning I needed to fill up the Camel-Bak, and cut up the bars I wanted to take with me.
The wind wasn\’t nearly as strong as it was yesterday; but it was still 14-22 mph. For a change, it had a westerly component to it; and that was a help on the way back home. The temperature was in the 40s, and for me that\’s quite chilly; so I carried warming packs in my gloves. That was fine for my hands; but my feet still got cold!