
More than Your Figure

\"moreIt\’s about more than your figure when you\’re a cycling enthusiast. Like the author of this article, I\’m hesitant about posting a blog on the subject the  \”plus-sized cyclist\”. I, myself, am about 15 pounds overweight; so who am I to talk?

Cycling can help you to lose weight; particularly if it goes hand-in-hand (foot-to-foot?) with improved eating habits. But changing eating habits isn\’t the easiest thing to do; especially when you work all day; have to squeeze breakfast into the half-hour between the morning ride and heading off to work; and have little counter space for food preparation. If I don\’t prepare the day\’s lunch the evening before, I have even less time for breakfast.

To complicate matters of  \”eating right\”, I\’m apt to get so caught up in meal planning that I end up doing little else. I can\’t give \”diet\” so much attention when I have other things that must be done; and it\’s no wonder that I tend to backslide after several months of it.

As that article says, if you want to ride a bicycle, just do it; even if you don\’t have a figure like a pro tour rider. It\’s still possible to have lots of fun riding! Besides, who hasn\’t heard of \”skinny-obese\” these days? I\’d rather have those extra 15 pounds; some muscle; and some stamina, than have the figure of a prima ballerina; but be flabby and unable to ride for even five miles. It\’s about more than your figure!