It\’s long been said that \”there\’s more than one way to skin a cat\” (poor kitty?)
There\’s also more than one way of gearing a bicycle, it seems. I only recently heard of half-step gearing, when a co-worker mentioned it. It seems confusing; and in fact, half-step sounds like a dance!
OK, I\’ve heard of \”dancing on the pedals\”; but what about that half-step gearing?
This article includes a paragraph on the subject. I get the impression that I\’d find it tricky to ride a bicycle with half-step gearing. I\’m thoroughly used to adjusting gears by shifting rear cogs. Could it be analogous to a driver accustomed to automatic transmission suddenly trying to manage a car with standard transmission?
For a pro-camp view (admittedly not a very recent one) on half-step gearing, see here. I guess it\’s largely a matter of what you\’re used to using. Riding with any particular setup quickly becomes second nature; and switching to a different setup throws the proverbial monkey wrench into the machinery.
Whether we go with half-step gearing or not, we can still enjoy dancing on the pedals.