If Team Novo Nordisk provides inspiration, there\’s more inspiration to be found in the story of Leo Rodgers. It amazes me to see people who have only one leg still riding bicycles. And Mr. Rodgers does more than just ride!
Could I keep riding if I lost a leg? Would I even want to? I suppose that I would; but I might not try it on the road bike for quite a while; and if I had only one leg, I don\’t think I\’d want to ride clipless.
Let\’s face it, toe clips let me get my feet out much more quickly and easily if I need to get my feet down in a hurry; and if I had just one foot, that\’s even more important.
And I\’m sure I wouldn\’t try the kind of cycling that Mr. Rodgers does. In fact, I don\’t have the gumption to try it with two sound legs! I guess I\’m too old; and I never was that kind of thrill-seeker even when I was a kid.
Gravel racing sounds interesting; although judging from those pics, it\’s a good way to get plenty muddy! I\’ve also got a hunch that gravel surfaces provide ample opportunity for skidding; and to me, that isn\’t fun. Road rash isn\’t pretty; and I guess I\’m too fond of my skin!
I guess I\’ll have to look for more inspiration somewhere else, then; but I can always keep in mind that I still have both of my legs. More power to those who have only one leg; but who still ride!