

More Ideas

\"moreI\’ve got more ideas; and I guess that\’s good. I couldn\’t have thought of these things before I began to build the site!

I guess it\’s like moving into a new home. Over time, you might  decide that your original arrangement of furniture isn\’t the most efficient. Or that the items on the front of a shelf need to be moved to the back, because you don\’t use them as often as you expected.

A web site is comparable to a book, especially a non-fiction book. Over time, the information might need updating. Errors might be found that need correcting. New information might need to be added.

In the case of a web site with slide shows, an occasional change of pictures will refresh the site. If l do another 100-mile ride, of course I\’ll want to add a page about it.

In any case, constantly getting more ideas is a lot better than being unable to think of anything new.