
More Astronomy


Sunday night I got some more astronomy.

It began quite innocently, when I saw the moon (almost half-full) from my sister\’s kitchen window. It was quite low in the sky; and after I had returned to look at it several times, I commented on its movement. The moon seemed to be marching almost parallel to the horizon; and I thought it was odd.

Soon my brother-on-law was hauling out two sets of binoculars; and he, my sister, and I marched outdoors for some moon-viewing.

It was great to look at the moon through those \”noculars\”. I could see craters that are invisible to the naked eye; and the border of the Earth shadow was fuzzy. It looks much sharper without magnification.

The moon\’s color was orange-y; and after we had looked at it for a while, my brother-in-law hauled out his six-inch telescope. By this time the moon was getting hard to see, thanks to trees; but we got a good look at Jupiter. We could even see several of the planet\’s moons.

If only it had been clear the evening the power got knocked out, we would have gotten more astronomy; but luck wasn\’t on our side that time. Maybe before I go back home we can get in some star-gazing.

When I\’m at home, star-gazing is almost impossible. The houses are too crowded; there are far too many electric lights; and I\’m busy indoors evenings. When I\’m riding before dawn, I have to watch where I\’m going; so I can\’t do much star-gazing then.

Next Monday is full-moon time again; and I hope I get to see it. I might be back home by then; and as long as the sky is clear, I can see the moon over the river!