
Monkey Business?

\"monkeyDoes monkey business do any good? Maybe it does. I suspect that we all have cycling moments when we hope that nobody but these three are around.

From earliest childhood I was taught that there are certain words that One. Does. Not. Say!! If I did say them in the heat of a near-crash or some other cycling bad moment, I hope that Hear No Evil were the only person nearby. I\’d be ashamed if anyone heard me say such things.

Long ago I made up my mind not to be embarrassed by the occasional tumble. If it did embarrass me to go down, I\’d want nobody around, unless it were See No Evil. Maybe it\’s like the old query: If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is there to hear it; does it make a sound? Similarly, if nobody sees me fall, did I fall down?

Even if Hear No Evil and See No Evil did hear and see, and they tell Speak No Evil, it ends with him, right? Because he doesn\’t talk. So maybe monkey business isn\’t all bad.