
Monkey Around?

\"monkeyToday\’s ride was no time to monkey around; that is, to take it easy and goof off. Certainly not on the way back home!

I had already decided to make today\’s ride shorter than usual for a Sunday ride, because I\’m shifting around my schedule in advance of Tour de Cure. That is, this coming weekend I\’ll do  my long ride on Saturday and go for groceries on Sunday.

Well, it\’s a good thing I did make my ride shorter. The wind was a killer. As you might have guessed, I had it against me on the way back home. It was blowing at 20-22 mph; and I\’m surprised that my overall average speed was 12 mph. If I had gone 25 miles before turning back towards home, I\’d be dead tired now.

I had to make several unplanned stops to catch my breath. Possibly I really needed to eat more; but fighting a wind in a low gear and rapid cadence is quite the appetite killer. I may have needed to drink more, too; but during the last 10 miles I needed to \”go\” and wasn\’t anxious to make it worse by downing large quantities of fluid.

Getting back to my average speed today, it\’s still good enough for TdC; but I hope we won\’t have a wind like today\’s come event day. It would take all the fun out of the ride.

But for the moment, I\’ll just monkey around a bit. I think I\’ve earned it!