Who doesn\’t know the Monday blahs?
This pic is a good example of how I usually feel on Mondays: tired and listless. It means going back to work; and that\’s not fun. How I wish I could work from home!
For some reason I often have a hard time sleeping on Sunday night. Maybe I subconsciously dread going back into the workplace more than I realize; and that keeps me awake.
Monday is my usual off-bike day. My reasoning is that Sunday is long-ride day; and I need an off-bike day to recover. But maybe I need to do an easy ride on Monday; and take another weekday off from riding.
I remember a commercial on TV when I was a kid of about ten. It was for Alka-Seltzer®, and advertised \”Alka-Seltzer, for the blahs.\” As I remember, it specifically mentioned \”Monday-morning blahs\”. I don\’t think I need to start taking Alka-Seltzer; but why do I feel so dragged-down on Mondays?
Perhaps my Sunday long ride gets my system overly stimulated; or do I get home from riding up to 50 miles, then sit around too much?
I might never know?, but the Monday blahs sure get me down.