

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

Memorial Day sounds like Memory Lane. Today we honor those lost while serving our Country in the armed forces.

Memory Lane also sounds like remembering epic rides, such as my first century. How long ago that was! I can hardly believe it’s more than eleven years since that day.

Naturally, I included an account of that ride in this website; but the editing program I was using gave me trouble with the text length. I had to cut out huge chunks of the text; and one of these days I must go back and see whether my current editor will let me expand on it. If, that is, I can find the complete log. Seems to me it’s around here somewhere.

My road bike is in the shop, so I had to content myself with a short ride on the hybrid today. I made a detour to the closest supermarket on the way home to buy a cucumber. After I locked up the bike, I suddenly remembered that I had no money with me; and had to  head home instead.

Once there, I boiled an egg and toasted some bread. I got a pot of brown rice going; and chopped up some kale leaves, onion, and garlic. These went into another pot with canned black beans for a stew. Cooking can seem like a walk down Memory Lane, as I think of all the culinary experiments I’ve done over the years!