

Mad Dog?

Am I a mad dog? It seems like it. Today I didn’t get out on the road bike until noon; and it made me think of the old saying, “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun.” I’m not an Englishman; so I suppose that makes me a mad dog.

Today it’s much cooler than it has been. When I went out to ride, it was about 73 degrees; and bright and clear. It seems odd to be starting a ride at noon; but soon enough I’ll be riding in the dark again.

For now I’m not bothering about “training”. It’s enough to be riding again; and I need a few weeks to work back up to the hard stuff. Today my legs felt the effort of riding more than they did yesterday; so maybe I’m more out of condition than I though I was!

I’m glad I’m on vacation. This morning I slept until 9:15; and then I headed to Whole Foods. When I was at the supermarket yesterday, I forgot to get frozen blueberries; and I LOVE frozen blueberries! I also got a half-dozen eggs; yogurt; bread; and sunblock. Always sunblock!

When I got that stuff home, I had a bit of lunch; and then went out on the road bike. The wind wasn’t as strong as it was yesterday; and I went a few miles farther before I turned for home. I got thirsty faster than I did on the exercise bike. Probably that’s because I tend to breathe through my mouth when I’m riding a bicycle.

I still wasn’t finished with riding. I had a couple of errands to run; and now I have to get cooking. When I’m busy in the kitchen, I’m glad I don’t have a pet underfoot!