

Losing Count


I think I’m losing count, here. Several weeks back, I thought I had reached my eleventh anniversary as a cyclist; but I was wrong. It was TWELVE years! Well, you know the saying: Time flies when you’re having fun; and I’ve sure had fun!

Of course there were times when riding wasn’t so much fun while I was doing it. There were cold days when I got caught in the rain, and with a nasty wind to boot. On top of that, when it gets at all cool, my nose acts up; and that sure isn’t fun. In fact, it\’s quite disgusting.

There were long rides when it was 80 degrees early in the morning; and I was out there in the blazing sunshine for several hours. Now and then I got caught in a T-storm; and fog plus darkness isn’t my favorite thing.

But after a ride, there’s always the satisfaction that I did it; even if the ride itself wasn\’t all that pleasant. It will always be that way; but I intend to keep on riding, even if I\’m losing count of how many years I\’ve been doing it!


Speaking of fog, we\’re getting a foggy spell. A dense fog advisory was issued yesterday evening; but despite the forecast, the fog wasn’t bad this morning. It was patchy; and really not very thick. Much of it was quite shallow; and I could still see the moon. There’s more fog in the forecast for the next two mornings; and tomorrow things might be very different. I\’m definitely losing count of the times I\’ve complained about misty mornings!

If foggy conditions make your glasses too misty, anti-fog spray might help.

I tried something like it once; and the fumes from the spray\’s residue made my eyes burn. Maybe that\’s just me; I\’m sensitive to stuff like that. Maybe I\’ll try it again sometime.

Meanwhile I hope for decent visibility during tomorrow\’s ride.