
Look at a Trainer


Here\’s another way to look at a trainer: training in a “fasted state”. I don’t quite dare try that; at least, not by going out for a \”spin\” on the bike path!

One suggestion is to \”spin\” for 20 minutes between getting out of bed and eating breakfast. Of course I could use the indoor trainer; but if I used the road bike for this exercise I would have to swap the spindle on the rear wheel. It’s not difficult to do, but it’s a nuisance.

Going to ride outdoors for 20 minutes; coming back home to eat something (say, a banana); and then going out again for 45 minutes would be \”clunky\”. By the time I was back home, I wouldn\’t have time for a halfway proper breakfast before I had to head off to work.

Maybe I could try this on a Sunday ride? I usually have a snack before I start; and I begin eating 15 minutes into the ride. Maybe I can skip the pre-ride snack; and then start on-bike eating as usual after the first quarter-hour? It wouldn\’t hurt to try it once.

Or I can look at a trainer this way: I don\’t have to use the road bike in it. The hybrid doesn\’t require a spindle switch; so I can put the hybrid in the trainer. That will let me get my fasted spinning done; and then I can hop off; eat my banana; and take off on the road bike.