This cold snap feels like a long haul already. We\’ve had several consecutive nights of temperatures near or below freezing; and that\’s more than enough for me!
Our humid climate makes the cold seep right down to my bones; and I feel sluggish and tired as a result. Some people say that \”cold perks you up\”; but it does NOT have that effect on me! Let those people spend one of these cold spells in New Orleans; and they might change their tune. Years ago I had a co-worker who had moved down here from somewhere in the North — Ohio, I think it was — and she said that, her first Winter here, she had never been so cold in her life!
Cold weather makes the Sunday long ride feel like a long haul. As stated, the cold saps my energy; and that makes any ride seem longer and more tedious. My energy bars get hard and tough;
and GU-Gels become semi-solid. The water in my Camel-Bak gets too cold; and so does my electrolyte drink. Thus keeping hydrated means getting colder!
At a pit stop, all those layers are awkward; and the faucet at my usual pit stop produces only cold water. My hands do not like that! Thank goodness for warming packs!
It happens like this so often. We plug along with weather that\’s really too warm for the season; and when it gets cold, it does so with a vengeance! The contrast is too sudden; and we have no time for a gradual adjustment. Is it like this everywhere?
It isn\’t February yet; so we\’re in this for the long haul. In fact, February and March are generally our coldest months; and I just hope I can stay warm enough!