

Long Day


To paraphrase the song, \’Twas a long day, my friend; I thought \’twould never end\”.

The last work day before vacation usually is like that. It didn\’t help that I didn\’t carry a lunch with me, and ate junk all day. I\’ve been feeling tired, anyway. It was a relief to come home!

As so often happens, I\’ve got a nervous eye on the weather. We got a little rain today; and the forecast for tomorrow morning is 40% chance of T-storms. That doesn\’t look so good for the trip to the salvage store; and it won\’t help with moon-viewing, either.

Tomorrow is the last full moon of this year, and I\’d love to see it. I checked an hourly forecast; and it says, mostly cloudy at 5:00 am. I can drag myself out of bed early and hope for the best; sometimes the clouds part just long enough for me to see the moon. I won\’t have to do a full-scale morning ride; but it will be a few extra miles for Winter Wheelers.

With Christmas just a week from tomorrow, some of us are doing last-minute gift shopping. Got a prospective triathlete on your list?

I never was good at swimming; and I\’m none too keen on running. I can\’t cycle fast enough to be competitive; so triathlons certainly aren\’t for me.

It looks like Sunday will be OK for my long ride — mostly cloudy, but rain isn\’t expected. I wish I could get in that century ride, but I simply do not feel adequately prepared. By the way, that would really be a long day!