

Keep Me Out


Keep me out; out of the peloton, that is. My squirrely riding will have every other rider on edge. A cyclist who doesn\’t ride a straight line annoys every other cyclist in the pack; they have to waste mental and physical energy watching the \”squirrel\” and trying to avoid disaster. They know that a wavering rider can bring down the entire pack if wheel contact occurs! So keep me out of there. I don\’t want to cause a big crash.

I didn\’t have quite as much trouble with wavering today; but I still did more of it than pleases me. Riding on rollers is supposed to be excellent for developing straight-line riding; but I don\’t have any rollers. I did try them, though; and it felt like trying to ride on ice.

Actually, I suppose I do a lot of wavering all the time; but for some reason it\’s seemed worse in the last two days. A high cadence in a low gear contributes to the problem. My churning legs seem to overpower my upper body\’s ability to hold the bicycle steady. I know what that means: the need for more upper body/arm/core work off the bike!

So I need to get back to doing my off-bike exercises regularly. It isn\’t easy to fit it in when I\’m so busy with other stuff: blogging; planning meals; cooking; or cleaning up the kitchen. (Hey, wanna make a fortune? Invent a self-cleaning kitchen! Unfortunately I can\’t afford one ?)

The April Love to Ride Challenge is almost over; but if you want to log some rides, there are two days left. Then May is Bike Month! So let\’s get out and ride! But as for that peloton, keep me out.