It worked!
I had my fingers crossed much of yesterday afternoon. Late morning, the forecast predicted partly cloudy skies by evening. I was much worried that my view of the Great Culmination would be spoiled.
But I got lucky. The forecast changed to mostly clear. I set out about 5 pm, before it was fully dark; and did some easy-ish riding for two miles or so. Then I turned back, because there were too many trees at my turnaround point. I stopped at a spot that\’s about 1.5 miles from home; and got out my compass.
I found SW; and waited. Before long, I saw what looked like a star, with a small and fainter star very close to it. I figured that had to be it!
This wasn\’t as big or as bright as I had thought it would be. I forgot that I wasn\’t looking for Venus! I\’m glad it was farther from the horizon that I expected. There were wispy clouds there, and they were gradually climbing up the sky.
I watched for a good 20 minutes; then decided to head back home. It was something of a nail-biter because there were so many people out there. Most or all of them without any reflective material, and no lights. Many of them in the bike path; and some of them SITTING there!
I know they wanted it dark so they could sky-watch; but come on, people! I guess they aren\’t up there on the levee enough to know that it\’s a bike path; not a picnic ground.
So if things aren\’t looking so rosy, try crossing your fingers. This time, at least, it worked.