
Is That a Hint?

\"isI wonder, is that a hint?

To explain, today I had a bit of splurge; and went to the neighborhood Chinese restaurant for lunch. When you eat there, you automatically get a fortune cookie. Today mine said something like, \”As soon as you think you\’re too old to do something, do it.

When I first began riding the tricycle, \”too old\” never even entered my head. For that matter, neither did \”too young\”! Adult tricycles aren\’t exclusively for those of advanced age, after all. I needed a way to get around; and discovered within less than one mile that I loved to ride.

Naturally I\’m taking that fortune cookie\’s statement with a grain of salt. Or should I say, a drop of soy sauce? Maybe I\’m not too old to take up mountain bike racing, working my way up to being able to tear down highly technical courses. That might not be very wise, however, seeing as I have osteoporosis. On the merely practical side, I\’m many miles away from any mountains, or even hills; so it doesn\’t make much sense for me to buy a mountain bike.

Am I too old for a bicycle tour? Not by a long shot, I\’m sure. The obstacles there are funding, and lack of time to train up adequately; especially when it comes to epic tours. If I want to do one of the really long ones, it will have to wait until after I\’ve retired. I can hardly take three months off from work.

But getting back to that fortune cookie: is that a hint? Maybe I can make an epic tour a long-term goal!