



The weather seemed quite indecisive this morning. It brought up those FAQs: will it rain, or not? How should I dress; and how dense is the fog? Was it \”warm\” or \”cool\”?

At 5 am today, it was 72 degrees. That\’s approaching the temperature where I can skip the leg warmers; but it was still dark, and I knew it was likely to be foggy. Riding in the fog and dark can be chilling; so I wore leg warmers. I also wore my jacket, and a lightweight skull cap.

For a change there was almost no wind; and I made several efforts at unclimbing. I got almost too warm! I think the lack of wind had a lot to do with it.

So now I\’ll be indecisive for a while about how to dress for a ride. On Sunday long rides, I\’ll have the Camel-Bak, and if I start to overheat I can stash some stuff into the Camel-Bak\’s pockets; but on weekday morning rides I don\’t have that luxury. Is it better to get a bit too warm, than to ride for miles while getting chilled? I usually opt for the former; and soon all my rides will be just plain hot, anyway!

I\’m feeling a bit indecisive about this coming Sunday: 50% chance of T-storms. Maybe that\’s because I\’m tired right now, after working all day. It would have been even harder getting through the afternoon if I hadn\’t ridden out to get a soda at lunch time.

I\’m certainly not indecisive about how to continue with my eating plan. My A1c is now out of the prediabetes range; and I want to keep it there! The same goes for my \”good cholesterol\”. The work involved in meal planning and cooking has been worth it!