I need some incentive; a goal to work towards. It might help me to get out and on the bicycle these cold mornings!
It\’s more than seven years since I last did a century ride. My major motivation then was just to see whether I could do it. Is it time I worked up to another 100-miler?
I would like to be able to complete a century in under eight hours; and that means I need to get faster! Unfortunately my attempts at improving my pace have a way of falling short.
Am I not awake enough at 5:15 am for putting in speed work? Sometimes it seems like it. At the same time, riding before I have to go to work is the best way for me to be sure I do get to ride!
Maybe I\’m too much of a sissy to make the longer efforts I need to ride at higher speeds. I\’ve never quite gotten over the concern that I\’ll push myself too hard and too often; that doesn\’t do anyone good. Am I overdoing this concern?
For some months now I feel tired in general. Could it be the diet? I tend to get to bed later than I should; and that\’s no help. Add to that the cold weather. I feel sluggish when it\’s cold.
An organized century ride is off the tables, but a self-supported century is possible; I know, because I did it four times!
But do I have the incentive I need to train up for one? When do I want to tackle such a ride? Next April? I need a \”window\” when the cold weather is over; but it\’s not yet 80 degrees at 5 am.
I must think about that one!