

Improving upon Me

Improving Upon Me

“Improving upon me” isn’t meant to sound egotistical. I found a YouTube about teaching an adult beginner to ride a bicycle; and it’s certainly much better than the one I did last March. Unfortunately I can’t go back and edit my video.

The Cycling UK video shows the beginning rider walking the bike along when the pedals are still attached to the cranks. What a great way to end up with bruises all over your calves and shins! And if you bruise easily, as I do, your poor legs will look a sight!

I guess it depends on your personal approach. I had read about balance bikes; and  when I got my first two-wheeler I had the pedals removed and the saddle lowered before I began my first efforts. I didn’t want to get tangled up in those pedals, and possibly cause myself to fall.

After two weeks I decided to put the pedals put back on, although I didn’t really feel ready. The prospect of riding on two wheels was still rather scary. But I was improving upon me. I knew I couldn’t keep on glide biking forever. I wanted to ride; and as the old saying goes, We learn by doing!