If the Bike Fits
If the bike fits, ride it!
I took the road bike for its initial Specialized Body Geometry fit in November 2015. It’s expensive; but my interest in long-distance riding made me decide that it would be worth the cost.
The fitter first asked about my cycling goals; and how long I had been riding.
Next he fastened my bicycle into a stand and took various measurements, such as saddle height. Then I climbed aboard and pedaled; and the fitter watched my pedaling technique. He also checked my reach to the handlebars; and watched the angulation of my forefeet; my hip flexion; and neck flexion.
To my surprise, he lowered my saddle a bit. He said that I have good hip flexion; and that lowering the saddle would let me make better use of it. I could feel the difference at first, but quickly adjusted to it.
Last November I went for a refit. It was done by the same person who did my initial fitting; and this time he used something called Retul. He stuck little lights on various parts of me and my biking shoes; and filmed me as I pedaled.
Somehow I never got the printout of that session’s results; and, as a re-fit is supposed to be done annually, it’s getting close to time for another! But at least my bike fits me; and if the bike fits, ride it!