

If Only I Could!


If only I could retire, like those guys! Not to sit around on a beach, though.

I wish I could retire primarily because of health issues. I\’m so tired of wearing filter masks all day every day because \”fragrances\” are everywhere, and I\’m so sensitive to them. The cost of those masks does add up, and I have some concerns about possible long-term adverse effects of inhaling filter mask for hours a day.

Leaving that aside, being able to retire would mean more time for riding. First, I could sleep until my body is ready to wake up; not when an alarm clock says it\’s time to get up if I want to fit in a ride before going to work. I wouldn\’t have to keep an eye on the time as I rode. With no time clock to answer to, I could do longer daily rides. Maybe I could finally get in another century or two!

Retirement would mean more time for my web site! I could work on it and still have time for things like cooking. Maybe I could even try some more Feed Zone recipes!

I would have more time to listen to music, and to read…if only I could retire.