Hope springs eternal, they say; and I seem to be no exception.
Last night the weather outlook seemed rather grim, and I wasn\’t sure I\’d get to ride to the salvage store. All the same, I got the hybrid ready for the trip. I pumped up the tires; and I hung the panniers on the rack. I chose not to use the trailer, because I knew the wind would be pretty strong; and that trailer creates considerable drag. Then I hoped for the best.
I got it, too; or at any rate, I got it pretty good. It was mostly overcast, but it didn\’t rain. Today, for a change, the headwind was mostly on the way to the store. Usually it\’s the opposite!
Without the trailer, it felt almost as though I had no load. True, I brought home a rather small haul today. I have so much stuff at home that I didn\’t need to buy much; but I got a few cans of tuna. Peanut butter is something I don\’t often see at the salvage store, and I go through it fairly quickly; so when I see it, get it.
Best of all: the grab-bag bins were back! Today I found three FitCrunch bars, and an RXBar, too. Of course I got some candy bars ? I just can\’t seem to resist, and it\’s too easy for me to think that I can portion them out over a long time; but hope springs eternal.
It\’s time to plot tomorrow\’s ride. The forecast says, sunny ☀️, and a high near 77. That looks pretty good. Naturally I have to plan my ride food; and this is why I raid the grab-bag bins, looking for things like Fit Crunch bars!