

Homing Pigeon

Homing Pigeon

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homing pigeon salvage store saturday

Just call me homing pigeon. Saturday after Saturday, I end up heading for the salvage store. You’d think it were my “home coop”!

Today I didn’t see tuna fish; but I stocked up on canned chicken. I found hazelnut-chocolate spread; 13 oz jars for 99¢ apiece! That’s quite a rare find; and I grabbed two of them while I had the chance. Yes, I know — that stuff is on my dietary “naughty” list; but I don’t have to eat it a cupful at a time.

I’m running low on olive oil; and when I spied a bottle of it, I took it. Brown rice got added to my cart, too. When the pandemic first started, rice of any type seemed in short supply; so when I find it, I get it. Never mind that I might already have five pounds of it at home! And, needless to say, I raided the grab-bag bins.

Those bins are the best part of the salvage store; and I love it when I find items in those bins that have their original price stickers still on them. Today I found four Fit Crunch bars; normally $3.49 apiece. The savings on those bars alone paid for the entire $3.00 grab bag several times over! It’s no wonder I’m such a homing pigeon when it comes to that store.

The sky looked rather threatening, so I packed along the poncho; but I felt only a few drops of rain.

This trip I didn’t use the trailer. It comes to my rescue when I have a big load; but today I didn’t take along the cooler. Before long, however, I’ll need it if I plan to get stuff such as guacamole.

Now I can start planning tomorrow’s ride food. A Fit Crunch bar is sure to appear on the menu!