Here comes another one! New Orleans must brace for a hurricane again. Laura bypassed us, but now Tropical Storm Sally is moving through the Gulf; and it looks like she\’s aiming directly for us. Even worse, she\’s getting stronger, and moving slowly.
A slow-moving hurricane is bad news, because the storm has more time to intensify. True, the residents in the area of probable landfall have more time to prepare; but it also keeps us gnawing on our fingernails longer! That\’s not my idea of fun.
When Hurricane Laura struck southwestern Louisiana late last month, thousands of people from there came to New Orleans; and now, here comes another one! Those poor storm refugees. Out of the frying pan, into the fire!
I\’m glad I went to the salvage store yesterday, and thus didn\’t need to make a frantic trip to the store today. A hurricane warning means a mobbed store, and the shelves are probably stripped bare by now!
I have several jugs of drinking water, and plenty of canned goods. I\’m not too worried about batteries and flashlights. I know how to make a simple olive-oil lamp; and in a pinch I can do that.
My plan last Friday was to take a break from riding today, and ride tomorrow. Sally\’s approach changed that! This morning I went out for a short ride on the road bike, and I don\’t know why I felt tired. Maybe it\’s the carb restriction?
Weather permitting, I\’ll ride tomorrow morning. It won\’t be easy with a wind of 13-14 mph. If I can\’t go out, there\’s always the trainer. Not that I really enjoy it, but it\’s better than nothing.