
Haul Away

Haul Away

instep quick-n-ez trailer spokeasy amazon etcetera shop store wet or dry blog I'm trying

You can haul away with the Instep Quick-N-EZ trailer; whether you’re transporting children or a load of groceries.

Quick-N-EZ can carry up to 80 pounds; and can be converted to a stroller or a jogger. There’s a canopy to protect your young passengers from weather or flying bugs. Five-point harness secure the child/ren for greater safety. The frame can fold; and the wheels can be easily removed for easier storage. Color: Teal; Orange; or Green. Cost varies according to color; but all are under $340.00.

I got to haul away yesterday. For the first time since before my hand surgery in January, I took my trailer to the salvage store. I could really feel the added weight; and it sure made me feel out of shape!

To my great disappointment, the grab-bag bins were as bare as Mother Hubbard‘s cupboard. I hope it’s different next week! Otherwise, I found all that I wanted: almond milk; medium-sharp cheddar cheese, and so on.

I was glad to be home from the salvage store before 10:00 am, when a heat advisory went into effect. Even so, I walked to the drug store (just a few blocks) for something; and discovered their store-brand chocolate whey protein powder on sale; four dollars off the usual price. I got some to keep; I know I’ll use it for recovery drinks!

It’ll be a hot ride tomorrow; mid-80s by 8:00 am! All I can do during such a ride is to haul away.