Good Sprinters? 
If you could put Neanderthals on bicycles, would they make good sprinters? According to this video (at about 15:30), the Neanderthals were probably built more for sprinting than for long-distance walking; and they probably had a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers than modern humans.
Since the Neanderthals disappeared many millennia ago, there’s no way we can definitely determine whether, as bicycle racers, they’s have made good sprinters. But it sounds to me rather likely.
A-sprintin' I Will Go? 
A-sprintin’ I will go? I’m not quite sure of that. Maybe I got short-changed on fast-twitch muscle fibers; or maybe I’m not strong enough yet. But working on short, hard efforts (aka sprints) tires me faster than I like. I quickly feel like my leg muscles are turning wobbly.
Today I omitted a-sprintin’ I will go. My head felt much better than it did yesterday; and I rode over 21 miles. But I figured I was better off riding at a steady, moderate pace.
It’s not a good idea to push yourself hard if you’re feeling under the weather. Joe Friel mentions this in The Cyclist’s Training Bible; and tells of a rider who developed a coxsackievirus infection of the heart after working out while ill. It can take a long time to recover from coxsackie; so let’s avoid it if we can!
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I began this website primarily as a way to present the story of how I accomplished a century ride on an adult tricycle. Other riders of adult trikes might want to know whether it’s possible. It sure is! You can read all about it in My Story.
I live in New Orleans; and retired in January 2023. More time for cycling!
Website designed by Cecile Levert
© This website is the property of its author.