
Going Bats!

\"goingI\’m going bats!

I don\’t know how much the expression, \”to have bats in one\’s belfry\” is used nowadays. It meant to be crazy; insane; or off one\’s rocker. When I was a kid, if something was really annoying you, you\’d say it was driving you bats.

That\’s what my web site is doing to me at present. I had already created a slide show for the landing page; and I got the idea to create side shows for other pages.

That\’s not quite so easy, as it turns out. The slide builder I\’ve been using lets me build slides, all right; but when I go into my site to check them, they don\’t look like they do in the slide builder! The pics have changed size and position; the buttons I made for hyperlinks have shifted position; and the captions have moved themselves.

It seems that there\’s a LOT about slide-building that I don\’t know. In fact, in trying to get those hyperlink buttons from cluttering up the pic as it appeared on the actual web site, I managed to trash those links! I had to go into my Dashboard and get the pages one by one, and make new links. With all the work I\’ve been doing on my site the last two days, I feel like I ought to be on the railroadAt any rate, it has me going bats; and unfortunately all that work doesn\’t burn up many calories.