
Going Ape?

Going Ape?

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I’m not thinking of going ape!

Have you ever noticed bicycles that have high handlebars? Now and then I see someone, usually a youngster, on a bicycle with such bars. I only recently learned that these are called “ape hangers”.

I wouldn’t be at all comfortable trying to use ape hangers. If my hands are continually above shoulder level for more than a short time, they go to sleep from reduced blood flow. I think we all know what that feels like; and it doesn’t do any good for one’s grip, let alone for controlling a bicycle.

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My core and upper body strength is, I suspect, inadequate for attempting to control my bicycle with my hands in such a position. I’m far from being the Champion of the Chinning Bar! I also suspect that I’d have to re-learn how to steer and turn.

To me, looking  “cool” isn’t worth sacrificing comfort; much less sacrificing safety. So forget about going ape. I’ll hang on to what I’ve got.