I\’m glad I rode today!
A day or two ago the long-range forecast said that rain chances for today were 50%; and for tomorrow, 90%! I\’m not crazy about a flip-of-the-coin chance of rain; but it sure beats all-but-certain rain.
So I set out this morning for my weekly long ride. Not two miles out, I tried to shift to the big ring; and the brifter wouldn\’t budge. I spent much of this ride on the small ring. I also spent a considerable amount of time uneasily ogling the sky!
The clouds looked quite stormy, and I kept thinking about the 50% chance of rain. When I still had 14.5 miles to go, a few drops began to fall. Luckily it didn\’t get any worse; and I was happy to get home without getting soaked.
Once home, I downed my recovery drink; and then I called the bike shop to ask how late they stayed open today. Until 3 pm, they said; so I walked that road bike over there. It\’s overdue for a tune-up; and besides, I\’ve got to find out why the front shifter is acting up. Maybe the cable is frayed and getting caught on something.
Of course I had to leave the bicycle there. I\’m glad I have the hybrid to ride! I can still go to the store, ride to work, etc.
The hourly forecast shows more rain and T-storms for the rest of today; tonight; and tomorrow; so I\’m glad I rode today!