

Giving It a Shot


I’m giving it a shot when it comes to avoiding COVID-19. Of course I wore masks from the start of the pandemic. In fact, I\’ve worn them for many years because of my sensitivities to \”fragrances\”. I avoid crowds if at all possible. When I shop at a brick-and-mortar store, I go early; and get in and out as quickly as I can.

But today I was finally able to get my first dose of the COVID vaccine. It was a bit weird. I didn\’t really feel the needle; but it did feel like somebody punched me in the arm! For a while my arm felt a bit sore here and there; but so far nothing bad.

Maybe I was giving it a shot when I rode this morning; but I didn’t know it. I really wasn’t looking for the water bottle that I dropped yesterday; and that I thought I’d never see again. But, incredibly, I spotted it! Apparently I had dropped it a bit closer to home than I thought; and even at a rather low speed, a dropped water bottle can roll a long way.

Today I rode at a rather leisurely pace; and I made it short. I had to catch a shuttle bus to get to the appointment for my COVID shot; and of course I didn’t want to miss it. I wish I could have done a longer ride, because this was another non-windy morning.

It looks like tomorrow morning won\’t be bad, though; and I can try some more \”light in the saddle\” work. If I really want to get faster, it\’s worth giving this a shot.