

Getting Creative

\"foodGetting creative is what I do when I seem to be running low on meal options. This Mexican plate here looks great; but what do I do when I don\’t have what I need to prepare something like that?

Last night, for example. I had several servings\’ worth of Hot Dogs Hoisin in the fridge. I wanted to eat some of it for supper, but needed something to go with it. Brown rice takes a half-hour to cook, and I was too hungry to wait that long; and I wasn\’t in the mood for bread.

I got out a box of mac n cheese; goodness know I have more than enough on hand right now. This time I didn\’t bother with putting in tuna and peas; I just cooked and drained the macaroni; stirred in a little olive oil; added the cheese packet; and stirred in the hot dog mix. The result was pretty good.

Sometimes you have to get creative when you need to use up something. Months ago I bought a jar of some kind of cranberry dressing, solely because I wanted to see what it tasted like. Now I need to do something with it, because it\’s taking up space in the fridge. Cranberry Hot Dogs, anyone?

There\’s also being creative when it comes to ride food. Feed Zone Portables is a great starting point, but why limit yourself to following the recipes to the letter? Dream up your own rice cake fillings: hazelnut spread; hacked-up Clif Bars; and if you want Hot Dogs Hoisin in your rice cakes, why not?

So let your imagination run wild. Who knows? You might come up with a new favorite!