

Get on the Ball

\"liveGet on the ball for some core-strengthening work! I must admit, however, that I\’ve never given much thought to how to care for this piece of equipment. Sure, there\’s keeping it properly inflated, but do I even do that right?

I wonder why the advice is to inflate the thing only 80% at first, then wait a day to pump it up to its full size. Maybe to be sure it will take the pressure?

To measure the diameter of my \”Swiss\”, I stand a  yardstick on end, touching the ball. Then I lay a shorter ruler atop the ball, and see whether it intersects the yardstick at the correct centimeter mark.

I need to make more use of my \”Swiss ball\”. In fact, I\’ve been far too slack about my off-bike exercises for months. One neat exercise is from Get Fast!, on page 88: \”Ovation Pushup\”. To do it, get into a pushup position, arms straight, with the ball under your shins. Bend your elbows to lower yourself towards the floor. Then, push upwards hard with your arms. The aim is to clap your hands together before returning to the starting position.

This exercise is actually in the plyometrics section of the book, but it takes core strength, too. The catch is getting myself on the ball, and doing it.