


\"GaiaGaia, also known as Mother Earth, has become a major concern. More and more, scientists are looking at our planet as a whole, and the outlook seems grim.

For years the media have been full of reports about global warming and climate change. Among other problems, sea levels are rising. The planet\’s natural ozone layer has a big hole in it.

They\’re saying that Earth has reached a critical point where global warming is concerned. That\’s a scary thought. How much longer do we have before this planet has become uninhabitable? There\’s no way we can all \”abandon ship\” and take a space flight to a colony on Mars; so what can we do?

We cyclists are doing our bit, however small, to reduce CO2 emissions; one way of helping to Save the Earth. The more people start using bicycles instead of cars, the more it will help.

It\’s been said many times. A bicycle doesn\’t produce the air pollution that an internal-combustion vehicle does. Bicycles are much easier on road surfaces. They require far less parking space. Not to mention that bicycles don\’t produce the noise pollution that motor vehicles do!

Turning things around won\’t be easy, especially for us in the industrialized world. I have a sneaking suspicion that it won\’t happen in my lifetime. Remember the saying: \”We don\’t inherit the Earth from our parents; we borrow it from our children.\”

I hope I can keep on using a bicycle for both fun and transportation. It\’s good for me; and good for Gaia.