\”Found a Peanut\” was a popular kids’ song when I was growing up, although these aren\’t the exact words that I remember. How are “goobers” for fueling a bicycle ride?
Not too bad, I would guess. A two-tablespoon serving of peanut butter has 8-9 grams of protein; and about 7 grams of carbs. My weekday pre-ride snack typically includes some fruit (often a banana; sometimes grapes or a small apple) and some peanut butter.
Today I did some unclimbing; and lately I enjoy the fact that this on-bike exercise makes my abs feel flatter and tauter than they did a few months ago. Even though I’m not faster overall, I often feel like I’m pedaling more strongly. Maybe peanut butter is good fuel.
In fact, I went overboard with the goobers today. In addition to my pre-ride PB, during my morning break at work I ate some goobers. I brought along a Caramel-Peanut Detour bar for snacking; and at lunchtime, I ate a peanut butter sandwich! I hope I didn’t chance to get too close to some poor person who has a severe allergy to those legumes; I found a peanut big-time today!
When on the bike, however, I avoid nuts. They tend to stick in my throat; and that doesn’t feel comfortable. I need too much fluid to wash them down; and during long rides that, of course, increases the likelihood that I’ll need to make a pit stop. I ride through long stretches where there are no obvious pit-stop places, unless I ride a mile or more out of my way. I’m too lazy for that!
Part of the reason for today\’s nut binge was that I was figuring out some Internet problems last night; and I was trying to keep my stitched-up thumb dry. But tonight I\’ll fix a real lunch!