Floating is almost what it feels like when I\’m on my road bike, and pushing the speed close to 20 mph. For those brief spells, it\’s as though my wheels weren\’t on the ground any more; and it feels great! I think I understand why some cyclists get hooked on racing.
Today I\’m taking my \”floating\” day from work. The rain is holding off for the time being, and I made my delayed trip to the supermarket. I wanted to hit the store early, and I woke up too late to go for a ride before the store opened at 6 am. I\’m still being COVID-cautious; and even before that notorious virus cropped up, I preferred to avoid crowds. Going early meant I could avoid get-to-work traffic; and I always have been an early bird, anyway.
As I was riding home from the store, the sky seemed to be getting grayer; so I decided not to take the longer route home through the park. Said longer route means crossing railroad tracks; and my load included a large bag of frozen blueberries. Even though I had brought an insulated envelope for frozen items, why risk having those berries thaw too much?
Later I\’ll head for the bike shop. I want a red blinkie for the trailer; and I have to stop at the bank to get quarters. With those stitches in my thumb, I won\’t be able to do laundry my usual way; and I\’ll need quarters for the washing machine at the laundromat. Last time I checked, a regular load cost $4.00! Forget dryers; I\’ll bring my stuff back home and hang it up to dry.
Tomorrow is looking iffy; floating, if you will. Of course I feel the tug of the salvage store; but I do want tofu, which the salvage store seldom has. Besides that, the forecast is another rainy one. Maybe I\’ll skip the salvage store and head for Whole Foods. Or maybe I\’ll wait and get tofu another time. I\’ll see what the weather\’s doing tomorrow morning. I don\’t have to decide right now.