


\"finisYes, finis! Here it is, the final day of Cycle September. If you haven\’t logged any rides  yet, you\’ve still got a few hours, at least in the Central time zone.

In a way I\’m thinking, It\’s over already? Yet it also seemed like a long month.

I rode to work all but one or two work-days. Normally I take Mondays off from riding, and walk to work. After about three weeks of  skipping my off-bikes day, my legs were really feeling the extra work. (Extra work? The round trip between home and work is only about 5.25 miles!) In addition, I added a few extra miles to most of my Sunday long rides.

I\’m pleased to see that I totaled 514 miles this month. I haven\’t been tracking monthly totals, but I believe that\’s my biggest monthly mileage total of the year so far.

For supper I tried a new kind of soup-in-a-cup: Bear Creek Creamy Potato. It\’s meant to be cooked in the microwave, and I don\’t have one. Instead, I added boiling water to the cup\’s fill line; laid an oven mitt over the top; and let it sit five minutes.

It came out quite lumpy, although it tastes good enough. Next time I\’ll bring the water to a boil in a pot; add the dry soup; bring it back to a boil; reduce heat to a simmer; and cook and stir until the soup is smooth.

And now let me finish up this blog.

The end. I mean, finis.