Are you feeling patriotic today?
We know how an international sports contest ends. The winner/winning team is honored by the playing of their home country\’s national anthem.
I\’ve listened to several YouTubes of national anthems. They\’ve got wonderful music. Some are a little sad. Others are very solemn. Some, like our own Star Spangled Banner, are rousing; and there are some that are quite martial.
I had been wondering which anthem would ring out over the finish of Tour de France today, and I\’m sure I wasn\’t the only one. For about two weeks it seemed likely that we\’d hear La Marseillaise. I\’m sure France is quite disappointed that it\’s turned out otherwise. Colombia took the win, for the first time in Le Tour\’s history.
And my own riding? Those Tour riders make me feel like such a weakling! On top of that, after some dental work involving stitches, my dentist advised me to take it easy for a while. This morning I rode only 10 miles. I\’m getting out of condition Feeling patriotic unfortunately doesn\’t help with that.