

Ever and Always?



I wish my rides were ever and always like today\’s! You know those days when things go better than you expect? My ride this morning was like that.

It was one of those days. I felt tired and sleepy, and didn\’t really feel like going out. I had to prod myself into pulling on the cycling shorts; pumping up the tires; clapping on the helmet.

And do you know what? The ride went great! Almost no wind. My warm-up mile + \”cool down\” final 0.21 miles pulled my overall average speed down to a bit over 14 mph; but \”laps\” 2 and 3 saw me average a shade over 15 mph!

For several years, \”increase cruising pace to 15 mph\” has been on my list of goals. It looks like I\’m at last making some progress towards that goal. When I\’m not faced with a stiff headwind, that is.

Now that I\’m a bit faster I can ride a tiny bit farther, too. What a day it would be if I got fast enough to ride twenty miles before heading off to work!

But that\’s a long, long way off. I have to take it one step at a time; and there will be plenty of days when going for a ride will be a real slog — especially if it\’s raining.

The important thing is to keep riding enjoyable, so that I keep doing it: ever and always.