I\’m having an enforced rest.
No, it isn\’t because of an injury. Not to me, anyhow; but both of my bicycles are laid up.
The road bike is still in the shop for its tune-up. Then this morning, I hitched the trailer to the hybrid for a trip to the salvage store. As a result, the hybrid is now crippled! Again.
What it is about the trailer that pulls the bicycle\’s rear brakes out of line? I never had this problem until the last few months — since the hybrid had a tune up. What happened there?
I don\’t think that overloading is the trouble. This morning\’s load was about 25-30 pounds, I\’d guess; well below the 50-pound limit. At any rate, the hybrid\’s rear brakes are now rubbing the tire; and it makes no sense to try to ride the bike.
I called the bike shop, and told them about it. They said I can bring the hybrid in on Monday morning, and they\’ll try to have a look at it. I plan to take the trailer, too. It might help them to figure out what the problem is if that trailer is hitched to the bike.
I hope it\’s something that they can remedy quickly and easily. If I don\’t have a bicycle handy, it might be much harder to go out Monday evening to see the Great Conjunction!
The forecast shows a good chance of rain tomorrow, with temperatures in the 50s. Lousy weather will help make my enforced rest a little more bearable; I won\’t miss riding quite as much if I don\’t feel like going out in the rain, anyhow. But for now, a lot of lunges, squats, and so on are in order!