
Eating Again!

\"eatingEating again! That\’s something I do only too often, even when I know I\’m not truly hungry. My sweet tooth is no help.

The argument over what and when cyclists should eat seems endless. Or possibly even whether they should eat!

By that I mean fasted riding. I\’m extremely wary of trying fasted it. Supposedly it trains the body to be a better fat burner. Sure, I\’d like to be a better fat burner; who wouldn\’t? I don\’t have anybody to monitor me during such training, however, so perhaps I should leave fasted riding to cyclists in serious training.

I\’d say that, if you do want to try it, be sure to bring along something to eat in case you feel the bonk coming on. That\’s why I keep several GU-Gels with me whenever I ride, even if it\’s only the commute between home and work.

I don\’t need anybody to tell me that I don\’t need to eat like a pro rider doing a multi-day stage race. If I tried, I\’d gain weight like a house afire. It is often said that Tour de France riders burn 5000-8000 calories per stage. That\’s about what I need over two, three, or even four days! Yes, I like to try recipes from The Feed Zone Cookbook, but I don\’t need to eat as much of such foods as I would if I trained and raced like a pro.

In the end, it comes down to common sense; the good old Do What Works For You. And now, if you\’ll excuse me, it\’s time for me to be eating again.