Today is Earth Day 2021!
We hear of \”living lightly on the planet\”. As cyclists, you might say that we\’re doing it. Bicycles — or should I say, the breathing riders — emit far fewer fumes than internal combustion vehicles. Bicycles put far less wear and tear on street surfaces. They also produce much less noise. A parking space that can accommodate a single car is enough space for up to a dozen bicycles. At home, a bicycle doesn\’t require a garage.
How else can we live lightly on the planet? A meatless, or less-meat, diet can help. I recall that Diet for a Small Planet stated that raising one beef steer uses up enough water to float a battle cruiser! That\’s a staggering thought. I also read somewhere that it takes 16 pounds of soybeans and grain to produce a single pound of beef.
For Earth Day 2021, do you want to start using less, and saving some money as well; but don\’t know where to begin? The Complete Tightwad Gazette might help you get going. Re/Uses is another resource. I haven\’t yet read the latter; but CTG gave me some good ideas.
Another way of living lightly: I, for one, was taught Thou Shalt Not Litter from the time I was old enough to take the wrapper off a lollipop. It amazes me to see people who will throw a non-reusable drink cup on the sidewalk, when there\’s a trash can just a few steps away. And, since the pandemic began, there are masks on the ground everywhere I look! It gets depressing sometimes.
So let\’s celebrate Earth Day 2021. Ride a bicycle to fetch groceries. Have a meatless meal. And please, do not litter!